School started Monday and now I'm reminiscing about our summer. Don't get me wrong, I was ready for school to start, but our summer break was lovely. The perfect mix of go-go-go and lounge around the house all day. A couple of trips, quality lake time, plenty of down time, and a few milestones. Here are the highlights:
Lilly took a class at our community garden called 'The Stream Runneth Over.'
Salamanders and crawfish are cool, but not mosquitos. She didn't even last the entire hour.
While Lilly was getting devoured by mosquitos, I took this sweet photo of Jonathan on a swing.
Please don't grow up too fast, Jonny boy.
The kids and I drove to Louisville and spent some time with Grandma Peg and Pop. Grandma won't let me take a picture of her, but this is her kitchen. Uncle Aaron was Lil's playmate for the week.
He's just as much fun as any 6-year-old.
See? Aaron's friend, Meg, was great with the kids too. I wish they lived about 7 hours closer.
I could really use more babysitters.
Aaron crawled all the way upstairs with 47 pounds of Lil on his back.
He also taught me how to do the vortex trick with my hoop!
From Louisville, we drove to Tipton, Indiana, home of my Aunt Helen and Uncle Jim. We had a great time visiting and the kids had a ball exploring their lovely property. A garden, a creek, woods, fields of corn, and a long, flat driveway. What more could a kid want?
They even have a well-trained dog. I want one of those.
Maybe Daisy could train CJ?
My cousin's family brought scooters over for the kids to play with.
Jonathan had to get in on the action. Cousin Austin was so kind and patient with my kids.
We played badminton (I always have to spell check that word)
and practiced our hooping. A great time was had by all.
And that was just June. Time to get ready for church. To be continued.....