Friday, January 25, 2013


There's a four-year-old boy in our house who sits at the window for hours on end 
like he's watching an exciting, action flick.
He even prefers watching the crew work over playing with legos or watching the Wild Kratts, 
and that's really saying something.
Sometimes his sister joins him.
Sometimes he has the place all to himself.
And this is what he's been watching.
I should create a flip book of the process.
Check out the siding. Now you see it,
now you don't.
The walls go up and the dormer comes down. 

Ta da! We have a roof.
On Monday, the shingles arrive. 
The plumbers and electricians are also going to rough-in the plumbing and electric
....whatever that means. 


  1. Jonathan is learning so much with this. He should just stay home and continue watching. This is a once in a lifetime event.

  2. I know! I think we have a future carpenter or inventor on our hands. I let him stay home on Wednesday because he had a dentist appointment that morning. Then Thursday Lil came home sick at 9:30. Monday was MLK day. I'm ready for these kids to go back to school so I can go to the laundromat :-) I tried taking them once and it wasn't any fun.
