Thursday, January 17, 2013

Rain, rain, go away

Yes, we need the rain, but it sure is s l o w i n g construction down. On Monday, the city approved the foundation and gave the go-ahead to start framing, but it has rained every day since. In between storms, the masked asbestos removers did manage to suit up and take down the siding on our dormer. In the next week or two, that dormer will be removed entirely, the addition will be framed, the roof will be replaced, and the new insulation will go in. Hallelujah!

You can see from this angle what horrible shape our roof and gutters are in. I'm almost as excited about getting a new roof as I am about the second bathroom. Every time it rains, my husband grumbles about the inoperable gutters and I say a little prayer that the roof won't leak. Maintaining an old house has certainly been a lesson in patience. I'm the kind of person who files taxes in February. You know the blood test they require to obtain a marriage certificate in Georgia? I had to take it twice because I took it too early the first time. People assume living through a renovation is maddening, but waiting for six years to begin it was far worse.

In sunnier news, our talented neighbor, Matt Donald, used one of our old kitchen cabinets to make a Little Free Library

He also designs and builds these incredible custom playscapes. 

 Castles, ships, you name it, he can build it. He even designed two separate playscapes for next door neighbors which were connected by a bridge. That's some serious togetherness. I think I would need a drawbridge to maintain some boundaries, but I'm sure Matt could build that too.
You can contact him at


  1. Oh love the library, they sure are sprouting up everywhere!

  2. They are! Matt rescued a 2 or 3 more cabinets out of our dumpster and is planning on making more free libraries for the school auctions. We need to get together, Kara. Tuesdays and Thursdays?
